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It's important to understand the dangers of distracted driving and the ways in which it can be prevented. To help you become a more attentive and safer driver, read this post by Syntex Lubricants in Kyle.

It's highly likely that we've all been guilty of distracted driving at some point. You may be behind the wheel and take your focus away from the road to change the radio station, look at the GPS, or turn on the AC. Even though this may seem like harmless behavior, it isn't. Distracted driving is one of the most dangerous behaviors that a driver can engage in. It is defined as any activity that diverts a driver's attention away from the primary task of driving. Distracted driving can include anything from texting and using a cell phone, to eating and drinking, to talking to passengers and adjusting the radio. And its consequences can range from annoying, stressful and even fatal. In this article, we will explore the dangers of distracted driving and why it is so important to stay focused when behind the wheel.

Make sure you're a safer driver by maintaining your vehicle perfectly. Call Syntex Lubricants in Kyle at (800) 890-0220 or visit AMSOIL's online shop to order the top products for your vehicle's upkeep.

Learning About the Dangers of Distracted Driving

Increased Risk of Accidents

The most obvious danger of distracted driving is an increased risk of accidents. When a driver is distracted, they are less able to react to changes on the road or to other drivers. This can result in a higher risk of accidents and injuries. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), distracted driving was a factor in 2,841 fatal crashes in the United States in 2018 alone.

Reduced Reaction Time

Another danger of distracted driving is a decrease in reaction time. When you're driving, you need to stay focused on the road to notice what's going on around you. You're in a heavy machine and are sharing space with other vehicles, people, animals, objects, etc. The conditions around you can change in the blink of an eye, and every second counts so you can react properly and avoid chaos. Obviously, if you're on your cellphone, it will take longer for you to look up from it to brake safely and save the dog crossing the street in front of you.

Impaired Judgment

Distracted driving can also impair a driver's judgment. When a driver is distracted, they may not be able to make sound decisions when driving. This can lead to poor judgment calls, such as not stopping at a red light or failing to yield to other drivers. Impaired judgment can also make it difficult for a driver to assess the risks of certain driving behaviors.

Decreased Driving Skills

If you're busy eating snacks with both hands while holding the wheel, you may not be able to stay in your lane, put your blinkers on, brake safely, change lanes, honk, or put into practice any of the other skills that help you be a good and safe driver. When you're driving, you need to be on top of your game at all times so you can keep yourself and everyone and everything around you safe.

A strong, healthy engine will allow you to drive smoothly down the road. Maintain yours with  AMSOIL's Signature Series 0W-20 Synthetic Motor Oil, the top synthetic oil in Kyle.

Inattention Blindness

Another danger of distracted driving is inattention blindness. This occurs when a driver is distracted and fails to see something that is right in front of them. For example, a driver who is texting may fail to see a pedestrian crossing the street or a car slowing down in front of them. Inattention blindness can be especially dangerous in situations where quick reactions are required.

Increased Stress and Anxiety

Distracted driving can also increase stress and anxiety for drivers. When a driver is distracted, they may be more prone to making mistakes or getting into accidents. This can lead to increased stress and anxiety, which can further impair a driver's ability to focus on the road ahead.

Legal Consequences

Finally, distracted driving can have serious legal consequences. In many states, it is illegal to text or use a cell phone while driving. If a driver is caught engaging in distracted driving, they may face fines, points on their driver's license, and even criminal charges.

Don't forget to maintain your vehicle properly to be a safer driver on the road. Call Syntex Lubricants in Kyle at (800) 890-0220 or visit AMSOIL's online shop to order the most effective products to keep your vehicle in top working shape.