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Your car battery may not be at its best this winter. The winter cold can take a serious toll on it, but all hope is not lost. To keep your battery working well, use these tips.

Tips to Take Care of Your Battery During the Winter

Whether it's hot or cold outside, outdoor temperatures can take a toll on your car's battery. During the winter, this can lead to a dead battery and getting stranded in a cold parking lot. To prevent this from happening to you this winter, use these tips to care for your car battery.

Test Your Battery Before Winter

The cold can make batteries fail, but this is much more likely to happen if your battery is already old or struggling. If you notice that your battery is having trouble starting during the fall, it's best to get it replaced before the coldest weather arrives. In many cases, however, a battery won't give much warning before dying. Because of this, it's important to keep track of how old your battery is. Since most batteries last up to five years, if yours is nearing this mark, you may want to get it replaced. Of course, there's always the option of getting your battery tested so you can see just how much life it has left in it.

Keep It Clean

The cold adds extra strain to your car's battery, which is one of the reasons that it can run out of power faster during the winter. Added strain also comes from thicker engine oil and tires that aren't properly inflated because they make your battery work harder. To ease some of this strain, it helps to keep your battery and its connections clean. Check your battery's terminal for dirt, corrosion, and grime that can lead to added strain. By cleaning these up and tightening the connections, you can be sure your battery won't have to work harder to get its job done.

Stay out of the Cold

Now that you know that the cold can lead to battery troubles, it makes sense to keep your car out of the cold when possible. You won't be able to escape driving on cold days, but you can help your battery stay warmer by choosing a good parking spot. If possible, park your car in a garage where it is sheltered from the wind and the elements. This will keep it getting too cold, making it work less in the morning on cold starts. If you don't have an indoor spot for your car, use a car cover to keep it a bit warmer during the night. Giving your car a synthetic oil change in Kyle this winter can also help. Since synthetic oil will maintain its consistency in the cold, it will make cold starts easier, reducing the strain on your battery. Click here to buy AMSOIL Oil's Signature Series 0W-20 Synthetic Motor Oil to keep your car protected this winter. Contact the oil experts at Syntex Lubricants at (512) 848- 8240 to find more products like this.

Be Patient on Starts

When you get in your car and start it up, you may want to get going right away. You turn on the heat, turn up the radio, and turn on your lights. This may not seem like a big deal, but it can add even more strain on a cold and struggling battery. Instead, give your alternator a chance to charge your battery before you start turning everything on. Drive away slowly to let your engine warm-up before driving away at high speed with the radio on full volume.

Carry Jumper Cables

No matter how much you prepare your battery, there may be a day so cold that it just won't want to start. Maybe your car has been parked in the cold all day while you're in your warm office or the mall parking lot didn't cover it much from the elements. If your battery refuses to start, no matter the setting, it's always a good idea to keep jumper cables in your trunk. By keeping these in your trunk, you'll have an easier time reviving your battery so you're not stuck out in the cold waiting for roadside assistance.

Get a Synthetic Oil Change in Kyle This Winter

For a winter free of road troubles, give your car a synthetic oil change in Kyle. The friendly oil pros at Syntex Lubricants will be happy to help you find the right oil for your needs. Give them a call at (512) 848- 8240 to learn more about their products or to place your order.